----------VISUAL EDWARDS RESULTS: 'Scripture, manner, inspiration' - RBoss---------- Visualization is 48 x 27 inches Term Set A: scripture, manner, penmen, penmen, penmen Term Set B: inspiration, inspired, inspired, inspired, inspired Distance between terms: up to '10' Labels: 'yes' Terms A/B: WJE 14:94 WJE 15:125 WJE 19:709 WJE 19:710 WJE 23:231 WJE 23:422 WJE 25:282 WJE 25:447 Terms B/A: WJE 5:456 WJE 8:353 WJE 9:237 WJE 13:427 WJE 13:430 WJE 13:431 WJE 14:71 WJE 15:125 WJE 15:503 WJE 16:193 WJE 20:301 WJE 20:303 WJE 20:420 WJE 23:422 WJE 24:712 WJE 25:285 WJE 26:196 Visualization color theme is 'PiYG' Highlighted term: 'scripture' Highlighted term: 'manner' Highlighted term: 'penmen' Highlighted term: 'inspiration' Highlighted term: 'inspired' Background color is 'black' and label color is 'white' Visualization layout is 'spring' Layout seed is '2' Processing time: 00h:02m:28.07s